
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Cel phone pocket

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Right before our trip Rocky and I had to get new cellular phones.  His was malfunctioning and mine was starting to.  He got a leather case for his as he's the one who's phone normally see's the most abuse but I decided I wanted/needed a way to carry it around in a little pouch so I've been playing with the idea of a this pocket.  Last night I got some craft thread and decided to crochet one.  I used a little less than 5-10 yd. skeins and a # 0 steele hook I got on clearance on our vacation.  Had I not had color changes it may have been as little as 4 skeins.  I started with a chain and increased at the corners while crocheting around it building the base of the pocket, and when it got to the right diameter I just continued in the round.  I re attached the main color as trim around the top and a small loop for the strap to snap through.  Then I added the strap,  It is a foundationless dc chain.  I doubled it back onto itself for strength and attached the snap so that I can move it to whatever bag I'm carrying.
Rocky suggested a snap closure but the phone sits pretty securely in the pocket so I don't think one is needed.  I can always add one later though if I need to.


  1. Too, too cute!!! What a cute cel bag -you need to write the pattern :)

  2. not to sound like a huge boob, but what is craft yarn and how is it pacakaged...I think you've started something here!!

  3. that is really cute!! great job!

  4. i really like this. u do a good job coming up with stuff!
