
Thursday, July 07, 2005

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Rocky's Aunt Patty had some beautiful felted bags that she had completed when we visited, and then while we were visiting she whipped up another collossal sized elaborate and beatuiful one with all of her wool scraps, arranged in spectrum like  a rainbow.  I'm sad that I ddin't get a picture. 
She advised that my felted bag was not felted enough so when I returned I followed my sister's advice and added boiling water to my front load washer and voila.  This bag felted almost another 50% more from what it was before.  Evidently with a front loader just running it through the cycle it not enough.  It's now about 8" wide and 8.5" tall, the guessett is about 2.5".  It's more purse sized than tote sized.  It may have felted too much, but I like it.  I still need to add a button to the pocket.  For pictures of this bag from when I originally made it check out the February archives.

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