
Friday, January 06, 2006

New Year's Resolution. . .

Just kidding. I used to try to do them, but they don't resolve me to do anything. A week after I compose them I've forgotten not only what I wrote down, but where I wrote it. I won't do that to myself. It's so depressing to look back at that piece of paper and think of all of the things I wanted to do but didn't for whatever reason.
Nah, No New Year's Resolution. But I am going to make a goal for January 2006, just like I did for the last 2 months.
This month my goal is to have listed all of my eBay and Amazon stuff to sell. With Amazon it sells, when it sells, so I can't say that all of that stuff wil be gone by February, but I will have at least listed it by then. I have 2 reasons: First I need to continue to declutter and simplify and some of this stuff I've been holding on to for too long. It's just collecting dust and I need it to be either sold and making me money or given away and used by someone who will use it. The 2nd reason is that I want to buy something and need the $$.
So here I go. I have a lot ahead of me for this goal, but I think it's attainalble if I stay focused.

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