
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I've lost weight

6.7oz. to be exact. Not by any special diet or anything. . . I just shed my locks. I've been contemplating it for a while and finally yesterday decided. So. . . today after running another errand solo I stopped by the salon and got a little trim. No I'm not keeping them, I just brought them home for the sake of this photo.
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Yes I'm very happy having shed my dreads. I loved them and hated them, and I'm sure eventually I'll miss them, but for now I'm enjoying my mini fro!
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Now my little Mardie on the other hand, all of his life I've had locks so when I came home he freaked out. He didn't want me to hold him or anything, he was a little scared of me I think. Charmie immediately asked me if I had gotten a haircut. Rocky gave his stamp of approval which is all that matters. . . Mardie will come around later tonight when it's time to nurse, at that time he won't care if I've got locks or not!


  1. where did doreen go? i don't see her. but this does look like a friend i had 3 years ago.

    i know ur happy having them off. i just have to get use to it. I'm glad u like it and that it will be easier for u

  2. As of this morning, Mardie is officially fine! :D
    Your friend from 3 years ago, lol, yeah I guess that would be about right. So. . . do you think I look 3 years younger, and childless? Or have the events of the past 3 years irreparabaly aged me?
    (I'm not seriously soliciting a comment here! LOL)

  3. shoot, i was gonna comment too:D

  4. Greetings Doreen!

    I just cut off 5 inches of my locs this Jan. I "Might" cut them off completely in Jan. 2007.

    I've added you to my Knit Blog:

    Take Care!
