
Thursday, August 31, 2006

I'm surrounded. . .

As some of you who come to my blog more than once for a visit may start to notice sewing machines have been showing up at my home recently. . .
I started to collect them.
Hello my name is Doreen and I'm a craft thingie junkie. I have been for years. I've been lurking on the edge of a serious problem with no space or funds available simultaneously to feed my addictions. Something has changed though since I came home from the workplace. It's not really more space or money. I think I have less of both especially with two sons now. Maybe I just woke up one day and thought to myself I could have a collection of something. I don't know but this evening I realized I now suddenly have 5 singer sewing machines, 3 kenmore sewing machines one of which is an embroidery machine and a New Home serger. . . and I'm looking at others. Let me just say right now that I haven't paid near top dollar for most of my machines. In fact most of them I have gotten for significantly less than the asking price. (here's my wheeling and dealing sensabilities coming out I LOVE a good bargain)
My justification: I did get rid of the Karstadt 3001 at my last garage sale. I put it out with a sign saying free as I didn't want to sell it and not have it be fixable. Also I haven't blogged a Singer Touch-n-Sew model 758 that I got from Value Village but I have a fellow Freecycler that I've offered it to. She should be able to get it from me this weekend. I don't have a powercord or foot controller for this machine so I won't miss it when it's gone. I've never sewn on it. That will bring my number of Singers down to 4.
I think I'll be giving my mom the Singer 237 Fashion Mate to use for general mending as soon as I get it complete with manual, bobbin case, bobbin, etc. And that will bring me back down to 3 Singers. . .
But I'm starting to wonder where this will go? I have several models on my "wishlist" and if I see them somewhere for a low price and they are in reasonably good condition, they will probably be coming home too. Each one has something "special" about it that gets it onto my list. They are all older. . . like from around when I was born or before, and most are smaller like BK.
There's nothing I hate more than not having the right tools. I can improvise on some things, many things for that matter, but I HATE having to improvise in the area of tools. Maybe that's where this is coming from. My need to have the tools that are helpful for the projects I want to make. OK, after typing that and re-reading it I see it as a lie. Just like the freecycler who asked for a very expensive specific vintage sewing machine so that she could sew quilts for orphans. Only this peticular model would work, yeah right!
Maybe it's just letting loose and deciding to collect something. Maybe it's that sewing machines are so pretty and sexy and alluring to me. Especially the older models. . . I don't know what it is really. I just know that I see these machines and they call to me that they have a history and are fun and I have to try them out and will probably like them. . .
I'm already itching to teach Charmie and Mardie how to sew.
Maybe I can turn my interest into something for others. . .


  1. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hi my names Doreen and I have a sewing machine addiction!!!!

  2. LOL, K!! that sounds about right. D with her addiction! well d, we still love you and i hope u are able to get all the machines on ur a better price!
