
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Busy day part 2

After starting the bread, but before finishing it I started my 4th project for the day, mittens for Mardie from this pattern. I finished the first one before dinner and the 2nd one and the tether cord a little while ago.
I added the I tether i-cord to help Mardie not loose them. I will have to thread it through his sleeves tomorrow and see if it's long enough. This is all of my yarn as of right now so if it's not long enough I'll have to frog the cord and crochet a chain it to make it longer. I use Brown Sheep Nature's Spectrum in Sailor Sunset. My sis gave me this ball after she was finished with it, thanks J! It's only 81 yards so I was cutting this really close. I'm glad I had enough to finish. This yarn is 100% wool so these mits will breathe and help his hands stay dry and warm. I am thinking about adding a leather palm and sewing a fleece inner mit but for now that's not happening.
The neat thing about this pattern in my book is tha it has a fat thumb hole which is great for little guys like Mardie. I slipped these on him and had no trouble negotiating his thumb where it was supposed to be. Other mittens or gloves I've put onto kids this age normally end up with multiple fingers in the wrong slots.

I also love how these are like oven mits in that they designed to fit either hand. I will have to knit a pair for Charmie, I really love these mits! Posted by Picasa


  1. very cute! and the colors are great too

  2. You where very busy. Love the mittens and the bread. Great Job!

  3. Cool mittens, they do look great with the BS yarn! I like the pattern too. I hope Mardi has a lot of fun with his neato mittens.

  4. It warmed up right after I made them so as of yet he's only run around with them flapping around hanging down from his jacket sleeves.
