
Monday, January 22, 2007

Here we go again. . .

Last year I got very busy, made goals, organized, cleaned and de-cluttered. It felt wonderful. By early spring my life became more complex and as I lost focus my beginning of the year business fell to the wayside. I backslid. I went back to stash-and-go behaviors.
Garage sale season started and I acquired a ton of stuff that I didn't need. I had extra money from online sales and then my new job so I started to pick up more fabric and yarn stash as well as grow a mini sewing machine collection on top of miscellany I found at GS. All of this was gratifying in the moment, but contributing to a HUGE problem.
I slowly become fed up and have been gaining momentum to try again to make changes. I have started already in some small ways but the stuff was still all around me and starting to get me. Starting last night and carrying over until I began this post I cleared, cleaned and organized and have finished my 3 Major areas! I feel so great to have gotten my kitchen (including the horrible main counter and inside the cabinets), my sewing workroom and my desk clean!
Happy dance anyone? It's weird how having a space in disarray can really drag you down, but if you buckle down and clean it it's liberating. I want to do so many projects and now I feel actually able to do them. Realistically I will have to make them fit within our daily routines or once again something will go out of balance, but having the spaces free to actually work within them means I can start whenever I can grab a moment to do so.
I cleared clutter and trash from my desk, filed receipts and papers, made an action plan for the things I need to get done this week. I reorganized the kitchen cabinets holding my appliances and cookbooks. I consolidated the contents of those cabinets so that like things are together and infrequently used items are higher up, or in the back. I removed some items that need replacing or are going to be used in our camper and in doing so created some under cabinet space for my purse and knitting bag so I can actually put them away, OFF my counter. I cleared the clutter counter that I had made several attempts to clear over the last few months. In my sewing workroom I put away the fabric stash that my boss gave to me into neat stacks, cleaned up the horizontal surfaces that had gathered everything from stray spools of thread, to fabric clippings, to sewing machine accessories and notions, to FO's that will be photographed and sold in my store or other online marketplace.
I am having a hard time believing I'm actually done with those areas except for vacuuming and mopping the floor in the kitchen.
I hope to maintain what I've done and continue to make progress in other areas of our home!

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