
Friday, April 13, 2007

Tighty Tealies?

As usual out of necessity I came up with a design. Here are some training underwear I just made for Mardie. He's been in underwear all week and doing very well at staying dry. I designed these off the Gerber brand underwear that I already have. I used two layers of poly fleece for the exterior. 1 layer of Pixar Cars flannel for the inner and that is backed by a double layer of micro fiber toweling for the soaker area. I used FOE to bind it all. The FOE is not strong enough to cinch the waist like I wanted so Mardie has a little plumber's butt thing going on in the back.
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  1. LOL, these are cute....and he's adorable! way to go mardie

  2. Do they work? If so I will pay you to make me some!!!

  3. BTW - They are SUPER cute and I only asked about if they work due to our struggles with training pants for Ava!!

  4. thanks, they are like undies. a higher quality fleece may yeild better water proofness.
