
Friday, May 18, 2007

happy 4th birthday Charmie!

Well Charmie's birthday is tomorrow. My sweet firstborn will be 4! I cannot believe it, yet I have to, he's so big and mature. I'm one proud momma. For one of his gifts we wanted to get him a new case for his GameBoy Advance SP. His game collection has outgrown the first one, also Mardie needed a case for his. We found this larger case today and it was on clearance. Rocky suggested I embroider a design onto it for him and he picked one of his favorite heroes, Larry Boy!
On a completely different note here's a sock monkey I finished up last night while watching the season Finale of Grey's Annatomy. I don't know if it's a boy or girl yet. It's rather large. I made it from ladies knee socks. I LOVE SOCK MONKEYS! I think I will need to make some friends.
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