
Saturday, September 22, 2007

sewing Projects

Here's the cover for my MOPS notebook. Sorry the picture is sideways. It's a mini quilt and I used photo fabric to make a collage of family pics. I used MBK to embroider MOPS 2007, Creative Activities, Doreen Ray ad then put my lable onto it.
I got tired of those plasticy placemats. They slide around, they are hard to clean, they start to look cruddy. ICK. Here's my solutio. I quilted the boy's placemats. I let them pick out the front side and I chose the Veggie Tale backside. I will be making some more. Here they are after their first washing. The quilting fluffed up a little. The boys actually keep them cleaner and their area neater than with the yucky other ones.
Mardie's placemat.
Charmie's Placemat
View of the reverse fabric.
These placemats are the start of our "paperless" journey. We are starting to use cloth napkins and cloth towels in lieu of paper.
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  1. neato!! And you can weave some too!! :)

  2. after working on this project I've thought some woven placemats would be nice. . . I have some purchased ones, woven and also quilted already. I think I would like to weave a table runner, with different textures to coordinate with my kitchen color scheme. I

  3. awww so cute! I love a paperless kitchen!
