On 12/30 at 11:18pm we welcomed our family's newest addition, Zuri Elizabeth Ray. She weighed 5lb6oz. and measured 17.5" long. As her name means, we believe that she is beautiful.
She arrived after just a few hours of labor, love, prayers and miracles.
So many things just came together at the very last minute, but were obviously the hand of God. My water broke around 2pm on Sunday afternoon, but it was just a trickle and I didn't start into labor as a result of it. Since I was gbs positive we headed to the hospital around 4pm to get a course of antibiotics before Zuri was born.
After there was sufficient time for the antibiotics to work I was started on Pitocin to help encourage the contractions to get stronger and have a regular pattern. The labor truely started getting hard shortly after 8pm so it was just over 3 hours. I had some wonderful coaching from Rocky and Jenny my stand in doula. We used some Bradley method techniques to help with bringing Zuri into position. When things got really tough I had a dose of Fentanayle to help with relaxing. She was born 35 minutes later.
Since I didn't have any epidural my recovery time suprised everyone including myself. After Zuri was born she got chilled in the LDR room and was woring too hard to get her tempature normal so her blood sugar dropped. She was able to receive some breastmilk in the nursery and be warmed under the warmer and was soon released to our room.
She is now a little jaundiced. A little higher than they would like so we are staying another day.
Charmie and Mardie are elated to have their baby sister. They have been so happy to visit and meet her. We will all be happy when we can bring her home.
Thanks to you all for your thoughts and prayers.
awesome story! Im so happy u got the labor u wanted....
ReplyDeletecongratulations girl!!! i am sooooo happy for you!