
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Z!!!!

zuri on strider (trimmed)
Originally uploaded by mom2rays

Two years has flown by. It's so hard to believe that it's been two years since our baby girl came into this world. She's getting to be a big girl quick, so we decided to get her a bike for her special day. This is her first time riding it outside, of course C and M are on their bikes as well riding along. She says "helmet" because Mardie at the beginning of the video needs to get his helmet on.
There will be more videos to come as she gains more skills.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry CHRISTMAS everyone!!!

Luke 2:6-7

6While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

What happens when Mommy and Daddy have to both do church stuff at the same time.

Thankfully it was washable marker and not permanent, and thankfully she didn't get the bright idea to "cod'er" anything else other than herself.
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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Merry Christmas Party

We had so much fun today at Happy's Farm. I definitely want to go back there in the future!

Little Z rides a horse solo!

The boys played cowboys almost non stop when we weren't trying to teach them something!

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Monday, December 07, 2009

super secret angel traveling scarf

just posting a pic here so that the people who need to can see a pic, and the people who don't need to, won't find it.
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Definitely not bags

Well after scouring my house for a suitable pattern/project to sew for the co-op mommies, I gave up because it was hopeless. I wasn't going to find an appropiate pattern for the amount of yardage I had for said bags. I am disapointed because I really wanted to sew them, but it wasn't meant to be.
Instead I decided to bead them a keychain with one bead in their child's birth month for each year of the child's life. You won't see 18 strands here because I didn't need to make a keychain for me. ;-)
I hope they like them. And each time they look at them they remember this time of our homeschooling together.
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Merry Christmas kids in our hs co-op!

We are winding downt this semester. It has flown by. We are going to have a little Christmas party for the kids and wanted to give them somethign special. I sewed litte gift bags and embroidered each one with a nativity motif and the child's name. 18 bags!!!! I've been sewing since a little after 4 yesterday.

I'm exhausted, but the last bag is done! Whew! I also want to make bags for the other mommies, but we'll see if I can get motivated for another sewathon. . .
Each bag took between 19 and 24 minutes just to stitch out the design. Cutting and sewing took an additional 15 -20 minutes each bag. This was definitely a labor of love, but these kids deserve it! They have been working so hard this semester!

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