
Monday, December 07, 2009

Merry Christmas kids in our hs co-op!

We are winding downt this semester. It has flown by. We are going to have a little Christmas party for the kids and wanted to give them somethign special. I sewed litte gift bags and embroidered each one with a nativity motif and the child's name. 18 bags!!!! I've been sewing since a little after 4 yesterday.

I'm exhausted, but the last bag is done! Whew! I also want to make bags for the other mommies, but we'll see if I can get motivated for another sewathon. . .
Each bag took between 19 and 24 minutes just to stitch out the design. Cutting and sewing took an additional 15 -20 minutes each bag. This was definitely a labor of love, but these kids deserve it! They have been working so hard this semester!

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  1. wow!! you have been really busy! they look great and i know the kids will love them and i'm sure the mommies really appreciate your hard work!

  2. I had to comment and tell you that you're awesome for making that many bags. wow.

  3. Thanks Nik, the kids deserve it!

  4. did my comment come through? i don't see it :(

  5. @ Jennifer, I had to publish. Thanks!

  6. wow, how nice and so thoughtful of you!
