
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Z!!!!

zuri on strider (trimmed)
Originally uploaded by mom2rays

Two years has flown by. It's so hard to believe that it's been two years since our baby girl came into this world. She's getting to be a big girl quick, so we decided to get her a bike for her special day. This is her first time riding it outside, of course C and M are on their bikes as well riding along. She says "helmet" because Mardie at the beginning of the video needs to get his helmet on.
There will be more videos to come as she gains more skills.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry CHRISTMAS everyone!!!

Luke 2:6-7

6While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

What happens when Mommy and Daddy have to both do church stuff at the same time.

Thankfully it was washable marker and not permanent, and thankfully she didn't get the bright idea to "cod'er" anything else other than herself.
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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Merry Christmas Party

We had so much fun today at Happy's Farm. I definitely want to go back there in the future!

Little Z rides a horse solo!

The boys played cowboys almost non stop when we weren't trying to teach them something!

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Monday, December 07, 2009

super secret angel traveling scarf

just posting a pic here so that the people who need to can see a pic, and the people who don't need to, won't find it.
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Definitely not bags

Well after scouring my house for a suitable pattern/project to sew for the co-op mommies, I gave up because it was hopeless. I wasn't going to find an appropiate pattern for the amount of yardage I had for said bags. I am disapointed because I really wanted to sew them, but it wasn't meant to be.
Instead I decided to bead them a keychain with one bead in their child's birth month for each year of the child's life. You won't see 18 strands here because I didn't need to make a keychain for me. ;-)
I hope they like them. And each time they look at them they remember this time of our homeschooling together.
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Merry Christmas kids in our hs co-op!

We are winding downt this semester. It has flown by. We are going to have a little Christmas party for the kids and wanted to give them somethign special. I sewed litte gift bags and embroidered each one with a nativity motif and the child's name. 18 bags!!!! I've been sewing since a little after 4 yesterday.

I'm exhausted, but the last bag is done! Whew! I also want to make bags for the other mommies, but we'll see if I can get motivated for another sewathon. . .
Each bag took between 19 and 24 minutes just to stitch out the design. Cutting and sewing took an additional 15 -20 minutes each bag. This was definitely a labor of love, but these kids deserve it! They have been working so hard this semester!

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Monday, October 26, 2009

It's amazing what accessories can do.




In my eyes, she looks like a completely different little girl. I can't believe in just a few monhts she will be 2!
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Happy 90th birthday Grandma!!!

Here's the news story. We love you, and I am so glad that we were able to be there for your birthday party!

Friday, October 09, 2009

z's first panties

z's first panties
Originally uploaded by mom2rays

We are entering into more formal stages of potty learning. Z has been telling us for a long time when she needs to go on and off because we practice elimination communication and she is very aware of her body's function.
I decided it was time to get a little more serious about it and got her some panties. She LOVES to wear them, but has to stay dry to keep them on! Any accidents and it's back to the dipes.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

You want an update?

Originally uploaded by mom2rays

Things have been busy for us here lately. With school kicking off, and the new routines and activities associated with it. Zuri is loving school too. We do preschool activites and she is learning matching colors, her ABC's, and how to put various manipulatives into order.
We are now also a part of a homeschool co-op for Charmie's curriculum, but Mardie and Zuri benefit from having children their age as well.
No updates on the lake property, it sits, unvisited, no time.
No updates on our home other than redoing the living room to accomodate the homeschool. I like how the kids each have their own desk/area to work.
Other than that, I am crafting as usual, but nothing major to speak of.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sisters (edited)

Sisters (edited)
Originally uploaded by zzwhitejd

pic taken on Sunday at Janet's 40th party and also Janet and Colin's going away party. . . I miss them already. They just arrived in Seattle today.

Friday, August 07, 2009


I guess it has been a while since I posted. So many things have happened.
We just returned from a week at It was a blast. The kids were mini campers, made new friends, had some fun experiences and learned some new things.
We stayed the week in our Avion for the first time camping as a family. I absolutely LOVED it and was happy to finally park it on our Lake and spend the night in it. It was a bit sad to leave, and I am looking forward to going back!
The kids are all growing and learning so much. Both Charmie and Mardie are now readers! They are learning new sound combinations each week, and doing well. They both have made it through several of their beginning reader books. They are also loving some of the science experiments that we have been doing lately.
Zuri now has many teeth, though not all of her baby teeth yet, and is quite the talker. She says new words daily, and has started to combine words into mini sentences. She is very active, and emulates her brothers in most that they do. We often find her walking around with a Darth Vader Mask, or weilding a Nerf blaster like they do.
My sister and her family are moving away to Seattle :( We found out in May. By the 12th of August they will have moved away. The time has flown. It went away too quickly, as I feel they have. It is a good move for their family as it has been obvious that God is blessing their move, yet, it still is sad. I have never known a period in my adult life with out my sister close by.
It's hard to believe that in a few short weeks another summer will have passed and we will be quickly approaching the fall and holiday season.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Crepes! mmmmm, mmmm, good

My sister recently took me for a treat to a new eats place at our local mall. They make crepes. Saturday night I took Rocky, and it was yummy goodness all over again.
So today I decided to follow my sister's footsteps and try to recreate the crepes at home.
Here's my finished product.

I made apple and cinnamon filling. Thanks mommy for peeling and cutting up the apples for me earlier!

Here's the crepes cooking!

Here's the batter and hot pan

Overall this wasn't too much more labor intensive over pancakes, but they tasted more like a treat. I want a gridle now and I need to get a long skinny spatula!
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Riding Lessons

Rocky and the kids, of course the boys need no lessons. . . all of the guys are giving baby girl lessons, but she was doing pretty good holding her own!
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Knitting bag?

I am a gal who loves bags and shoes, but with being a stay at home mommy I don't have need or a budget for a ton of them. I did get excited though about Hip Mountain Mama's giveaway for an Off Hand Designs Fiona Tote in Foliage print.
I have been a big fan of their bags ever since I spyed a Tonya bag in a knitting magazine. I cannot afford one, ever, so I just look and admire and think they are pretty. . . all the while dreaming that one day, maybe just maybe something crazy will happen like I win one. . .
Suzy has a really cool site with items for both parenting and knitting. Just up my alley!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Baby girl gets her own room

It's almost completely finished. We have taken my craft room this week from full of yarn, fabric, fiber, patterns, tools, machines, etc. to this:

After dragging everything out we painted the walls a pretty purple. Rocky found cool Ikea storage shelves on craigslist so we went and picked them up. And lookee, EVERYTHING fits!

Not all of my stash/supplies left the closet, but much of it did and now Z's clothes, shoes and blankets fit nicely in here.

And today we finished the bed. I've never refinished furniture before. This was my bed from when I was a toddler until I was close to 8 I think. It had a dark stain finish and a cat decopage on the footboard. Very vintage, very retro, very icky after being in storage for 20+years.
It's a youth bed. Bigger than a crib/toddler smaller than a twin. We had painted it white and used it for the boys nursery from when M was born. I didn't want white for Zuri and the boys had been rough on the finish so it was going to need some touching up anyway so I stripped it down to the bare wood. Hours of stripping, sanding, peeling, picking, etc. later and a coat of satin poly finish and voila. The beautiful Cherry bed comes to life!

Now we just need to get her bedding, hang a few wall decorations and the window treatment and her room will be complete!
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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The day has come. . .

for Zuri to get her own bedroom. . . we knew this day would come and it crept up on us. We've been avoiding doing anything about it, but today we started making it happen.
Several major areas in our home were disrupted in the attempts and at the end of the day only part of her room is cleared. I won't show you her room yet since it's not done, but here's where 1/2 the stuff went that was in there. My new sewing area is 1/2 of the bonus room. It will be an adjustment to be sewing upstairs and have much of my supplies still downstairs. We have discussed some remedies but until we can get Zuri into her room, and settled, this is how it will be. This is not the permanent solution. Our plans are to still construct a 2nd bonus room for my crafting room. For now I am pleased with how it has worked out with the space we had. It beats the alternative of having to pack it all away!
The plus side is that I can attempt to sew while the kids are playing sometimes too!
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Monday, April 06, 2009

spring time

It's been so nice outside. Rocky has gotten a ton of work done on our Avion. Here's the new flooring. . . and of course Zuri.

The kids have been getting more and more use from their playground. Zuri loves her slide, but loves her swing even more.

My Rays, just swinging away.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday??? The Herd has grown again! (for the last time)

When I started collecting sewing machines I wanted to get a Singer Featherweight, a machine in the 221 series. I just didn't think it would be possible. Everything I saw about them, the cost was too high for me to add one to my collection. If sewing was my livelyhood, and this machine would do something for me that no other one could, I could forsee it, but it isn't and doesn't so I had pretty much written off owning one.
Shortly after finding this machine love, I found out that one of our neighbors used to be the Regional Sales Director for Singer Co. for many years and happened to have a ton of stuff that he had obtained, collected, aquired, hoarded, etc. Including 3 featherweights. He however wanted current asking price so though there were 3 of them just up the road I still only had my sights set on one, and not until he significantly reuduced the price.
Well 2 weeks ago while conversing with yet another neighbor, he informed me that neighbor #1 came by to inform me that he had another buyer, and needed to know whether or not I wanted the machines, as he wanted to give me first dibs.
I had not spoken to him about these machines in over 3 years. He had not touched them in over 3 years when he had gotten them out to show me. I had not forgotten, and he at 89 had not either.
So I went to speak with him. He asked if I was still interested and mentioned his price. I almost choked on my spit. I cautiously asked him again. He repeated himself, and said he wanted me to have all three! I said, ahem, yes, but let me speak with my husband, as I turned on heel and levitated back to the van where Rocky was waiting to hear the bottom line.
That day after a bit of deliberation these two came home, to stay.
On the left a 1964 221-K with perfect paint and case.
On the right a 1951 Centennial 221-, commemorative machine marking Singer's 100 years of Sewing machine production and sales. Also with case, manual and accessories!

The third followed this Sunday, another 221- from 1948. There was one thing that we wanted to work out with the foot controller. Rocky got the controller from him, and an extra cord, and after about 10 minutes to replace the power cord, it worked!
The third one will be for sale after I have a chance to clean and recondition it and it's case.
I cannot believe how these machines were just placed right down the road for me in the hand of someone who had no desire to get rid of them until the right person came along. I will cherish the two that I keep!
So though I had a crappy birthday, with being sick and having sick kids and not even getting to go out or anything, this pretty much makes up for it! One of my crafty wishes has come true!
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Monday, March 23, 2009

New Wheel

While Rocky and I were in Glendora for New Pastor Training I got to try out a spinning wheel that has just been released to be sold March 1. Rocky said that I could get a 2nd wheel, and I have been searching most of 2008 for the perfect one. This one so far is it. I preordered it because I loved it so. My SpinOlution Bee.
She arrived March 11th!

Zuri was there to help me get the package, as you can see we opened it immediately, yes that's the front door behind Zuri. She thinks the bobbins look like her brother's tinker toys and immediately determined that whenever she saw one, she was going to try to confiscate it as hers.

This made it rather difficult for me to test my new wheel, which I have named Melina. It means Honey. The fluidity of honey is a good visualization for how she spins. This wheel is so smooth and easy to treadle.

But eventually I was able to finish up this yarn, 281 yards around dk weight merino hand dyed. Navajo plyed. This is tightly spun as it comes in at 7.7 oz.

I love Melina, she's a great wheel!
I plan to keep and still use Bellaranea my Bellus from Heavenly Handspinning. It is an Irish tension (flyer brake) whereas Melina is Scotch tension (bobbin break). This means that I can spin different kinds yarns with greater ease. There are other differences like Melina is more compact, though heavier, and has more range and faster speeds. Bellaranea has huge bobbins, and I have more of them. I am so thankful to my sister to introducting me to handspinning yarn. This has become one of my handcrafts that I really love to do!
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cup pouch

My Diva cup needed a pretty pouch for inbetween times. This little number was quickly crocheted in Lion Brand Organic Cotton and is so soft. My cup fits perfectly and it's the cutest little case. Much nicer than the cheap cotton baggie that it came with.

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