
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Getting out the clutter and not letting it come back

So as Christmas time has rolled around again I see the typical commercialism and it's always off putting to me, but this year especially so. It bothers me that so many disposable items are marketed as must haves, and like lemmings, the masses fall right in and consume them. It makes me feel bad too that I am tempted by some of it. It's even more devastating to see that my kids are immersed in it and the gimmes have started. In an attempt to regain control of my housekeeping I have been systematically going from room to room, area to area and decluttering. There are only a few pockets of the house that remain. Ive tried to evaluate whether or not we use, or will use the item, do we need it? Does it fit our lifestyle and goals? I've established homes for things and if there is no home for it in my home, it doesn't belong here. This is all good. It feels so relieving to not have piles of stuff around me. It feels good to know that the things that I have eliminated have been given to others to help them in their need. It feels good to be able to see surfaces clean, and free of dust and excess. So those areas are done. Now I see other parts of my life, parts where I have a home for things, but the there still exists areas of excess. I'm questioning do I need them, even if I have somewhere to store it. So where do I go from here? I want a balance. I dont think having things is wrong if I can afford the time, money, space and stress of owning them. Possessions should not create problems of any kind. How do I continue to get the clutter out once I've gotten through the first cull? It gets harder to decide at this point what should go. Its easier to justify keeping things now, especially since they do have a home. How do I figure out what is OK to actually bring into the house once I have started this process? Unfortunately the things i have eventyally break, wear, get used up or we outgrow them. When it is time to consider replacing them, how do I decide if I even need to or not? These are some of the questions I am working through figuring out. Now if I could just unclutter my mind.

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