Thursday, August 04, 2005

More Trailer Pics

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In this pic you can see the galley kitchen, the outside of the bathroom, and the opening for the rear queen sized bed. The cabinet on the counter actually mounts on the wall above the sink. We just hadn't put it up before we took this pic.
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Here's a shot from inside the bathroom.
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Here's another.
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Here you can see the front double bed in blue, and Charmie sitting on one side of the dinette. By lowering the table section to bridge the center of the dinette we have a second double bed.
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Here you can see the awning up.
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And here you see it folded and collapsed.
I can't wait to go camping!!!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

i liked ur trailor when i saw it. it looks soo nice. ya'll are gonna have alot of fun!