Monday, October 26, 2009

It's amazing what accessories can do.




In my eyes, she looks like a completely different little girl. I can't believe in just a few monhts she will be 2!
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Happy 90th birthday Grandma!!!

Here's the news story. We love you, and I am so glad that we were able to be there for your birthday party!

Friday, October 09, 2009

z's first panties

z's first panties
Originally uploaded by mom2rays

We are entering into more formal stages of potty learning. Z has been telling us for a long time when she needs to go on and off because we practice elimination communication and she is very aware of her body's function.
I decided it was time to get a little more serious about it and got her some panties. She LOVES to wear them, but has to stay dry to keep them on! Any accidents and it's back to the dipes.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

You want an update?

Originally uploaded by mom2rays

Things have been busy for us here lately. With school kicking off, and the new routines and activities associated with it. Zuri is loving school too. We do preschool activites and she is learning matching colors, her ABC's, and how to put various manipulatives into order.
We are now also a part of a homeschool co-op for Charmie's curriculum, but Mardie and Zuri benefit from having children their age as well.
No updates on the lake property, it sits, unvisited, no time.
No updates on our home other than redoing the living room to accomodate the homeschool. I like how the kids each have their own desk/area to work.
Other than that, I am crafting as usual, but nothing major to speak of.