Hello, my name is Doreen and I am a stay at home schooling mom. I strive to share God's love with my children while helping them to grow in a nurturing environment. I love to create and craft with fiber arts as well as the gadgets and tools for creating. If you are reading here, come on in and see what we are working on growin'.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Syncronized tooth brushing

My boys and their Crabitat

Bowl Hat

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Here's the back.

reoccuring theme

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Ya'll made me do it!!!!!

Here's another shot, from the corner by the door of the room. . . you can see the desk cabinet doors on the left to give you an idea of how this fits in relationship in the room.

Cuddle time with Daddy

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Embroidery card

Hair Cuts
First of all I'm suprised that these shorts still fit. I made these for them when Mardie was 3 months old. . . something's not right about that picture, but it's making me want to make them some more shorts.
We cut their hair. . . I couldn't get them to cooperate. Mardie was really mad at me for putting any clothing on him at all and Charmie picked up on his mood. We're probably going to cut Charmie's a little lower in a few days. We cut their hair with the same guard but since Charmie's hair has so much texture and curl it's much longer than Mardie's. We'll whack his down two more guards and it should be about right.
Charmie Builder's House
Monday, February 13, 2006
Done for our date!
Rocky and I have had the blessing of my parents to watch the boys on Monday nights so that we can get a date. . . This is our 2nd one and it's been awesome to know that they are safe yet "forget" them and just be with Rocky.
Here's the sweater ya'll. I was hoping to have it done for this date night and luckily I finished it up just in time. I was literally weaving ends as Rocky was putting the boys into their carseats to go over to my parent's house. It's has a relaxed fit. I did no ribbing so the hems at the neckline, waistline, and sleeves have a gentle roll. I won't be washing this puppy in the machine any time soon!
Here's a better shot of the sleeves and bottom.

Puzzles Puzzles everywhere!
Rocky is going to mount my thread rack on the wall. . . but when I remind him he's not able to do it and it just doesn't come to mind for him otherwise so on my desk it sits. When I'm sewing I use both my sewing machine and serger so moving one of them off the table really didn't make sense either. My embroidery machine is the one that has to kick the curb but where could I put it? I've been vainly searching for a case but since it's deeper than a sewing machine it wont' fit hard cases that I've found and I didn't want a soft case for "storage". With so many people using this room I could imagine something falling onto it or being dropped onto it and damaging it.
I forgot I have a large cubby space on the right side of my sewing desk that I had put my binders of patterns into. . . I used to put my serger into this cubby, but never my sewing machine. I tried it and IT FITS!!!!!
I'm so estatic, now I don't have to buy a case and it's close at hand for when I need it. Yeha!
Now if I can just get that thread rack mounted. . .

sewing table closed

right side open with embroidery machine! :D
And the anticipation builds. . .
Anyway I've been using this time to sell things on ebay and make a little $$ to buy some supplies. I've logged way too many hours on ebay.com, amazon.com and half.com researching and obtaining books on quilting, sewing, serging, sewing machine presser feet, my embroidery blank memory card, and some other accessories. I'm getting ready to play. I'm waiting on some more deliveries this week so I'm kind of stuck until they come.
So I decided to return to another craft that I have supplies in abundance for, my knitting. I pulled out some stash yarn that I had gotten from my wonderful sister months ago. Moda Dea Cache Gypsi print. It's a bulky thick and thin 3 ply with one of the plys being a metalic thread. I'm drawn to metalic lately for some odd reason. I designed the pattern myself and started last Thursday. It's coming along so I'll be posting it soon. That's all for now, I've got to get some sleep before the boys wake up!