Saturday, April 26, 2008

Baby girl's amazing feats

As most parents are, we are proud of our kids. Here's baby Z with 2 of her amazing feats. . . she's been going potty since a month, sitting unassisted like this for 3 weeks and saying hi like this for around 3 weeks as well.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Look Ma no Training wheels!

The training wheels came off last night. The movies I took last night were as good on Charmie's part, but the camera didn't like the dark. Here's his daytime version!
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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Book Signing

Z and I went to a book signing by Stephanie Pearl McPhee the original Yarn Harlot. Cool lady, lots of good stuff to say! We got our pic on her blog twice though one pic is so tiny only I know we're there.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

It's been a while. . .

Photo "shoot"
71 pics

Lots of weird things have been happening lately. For one I haven't been blogging much. I've been sucked into an alternate universe on Ravelry the best designed forum site ever where I exist to knit/crochet/swap and just live in the fibery goodness. Sorry to those of you who used to get a kick out of reading my blog. I will return again. Hopefully as I get used to being a mommy to a small brood of preschoolers you will hear more from me soon. But for now I spend much of my free time to be online in my happy place on Ravelry.
Updates in other areas. . .
I've picked the idea for my belated Chrismas swap, swap partners (C, J and K) hold on, your goody is coming just as soon as I can get some quality time in the sewing room! Which first needs a massive cleaning as I've been stashing stuff in there left and right.
Well I said it, I may as well elaborate. The yarn diet has been broken on so many levels. I plan to return to it, but I've had some binging issues. I got some goodies with my birthday monies, the books I already blogged and many more and a touch of yarn from a LYS. But then I got some other yarn online from swaps and some from perso to person swaps and well lets just say I've brought quite a bit of yarn into the Ray home the last month or so. I've been sending out yarn too though. . . I said I had been swapping. I've also sold some and given some away.
Books, books, books. I Lurve me some books. These days I can't get enough of my books. (Once again thanks to my parents and in-laws for the birthday monies. I've stretched them far far far and have sought out steals and deals, used coupons etc. to get my books at great deals.

3 months

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