It was bugging me that I only had one. I figured that I wouldn't have time tomorrow to do what I wanted so I persevered!
Hello, my name is Doreen and I am a stay at home schooling mom. I strive to share God's love with my children while helping them to grow in a nurturing environment. I love to create and craft with fiber arts as well as the gadgets and tools for creating. If you are reading here, come on in and see what we are working on growin'.
Friday, April 22, 2005
M's Sandals
Thursday, April 21, 2005
I'm Back!!!!!!!
I went away for a weekend with friends and my in-laws and though I had some bright ideas as to things to make/do it seemed like all of my crafting energy and creativity had been sucked away! I bought fabric and yarn. . . but it's sitting unused, untouched in my crafting space. I started working on a summer poncho which is 1/2 completed, but I'm just not motivated to finish it. It's seeming to take forever! This may be due to the fact that me and the boys are sick again. Colds and allergies but it's bringing us down. Also after a trip it seems like my house is rising up in rebellion so I've felt like I've been playing catch up all week just to get it back to being presentable.
Anyway my point is tonight I've been laboring over what my little M would wear on his piggies in lieu of shoes. He kicks off everything that he possibly can so short of putting things on that cut off his circulation he finds a way to remove them. I wanted some sandals for him but since he's not walking yet hated the idea of strapping him into 1/2 inch thick plastic soles that will conform his little feet into the shape of shoes. . . I decided he NEEDED me to crochet some sandals. I started to work on the sole and worked on a couple of variations for the top. I like this one. I now just need to figure out exactly what I did to duplicate the 2nd. LOL. Since it's after midnight I'm not thinking so clearly so this will be a project for another day/evening. I was sneaky and slipped this little puppy on in his sleep! He was none the wiser, but since he was sleeping I don't have the test as to whether or not he could possibly kick them off.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
WIPs bag

I needed a large project bag for all of my WIPs. My sister has a really cool bag that I saw she had lots of her work in it and it was large like this. 24" wide, 13" Tall and 8" deep. I decided I could make one so I went to Wallyworld and got 1.5yards of quilted fabric orange that reversed to fucia and cut it out to make this bag. It's huge and it's just what I needed. It has 4 inside pockets and one exterior pocket. And 4 ties at the top for closure. I didn't want a zipper or velcro closure due to the fact that both of those seem to snag my yarn. I laugh at this bag because the only waste I had was the serger clippings. I used the entire 1.5 yards!
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Mother's day Diaper Bag and Wrist bag
I got some Alexander Henry fabric, pictured to the left called "Mother's Day". I found this fabric before my oldest son was born and didn't buy any then. . . I decided a few months ago that I had to have it so I started a search and found some. First a piece that was almost a yard and then I found some more actual yardage and got 2 more yards. I love this fabric because intermixed in the floral design are women of different ethnicities in different stages of motherhood from pregnancy to grandmotherhood. To me this fabric is simply beautiful and perfect for a diaper bag, or purse for that matter.
I originally intended to sew another Amy Butler Nappy Bag or a similar style bag with this as the lining fabric but I was having trouble finding the perfect exterior fabric. Meanwhile I have been designing and making crochet purses and other things I started to realize that I could probably make the exterior from crocheted fabric. I searched for a pattern for a bag that I would use and couldn't find one so I decided to make my own design again! I used 9 balls of Lily Sugar N Cream in 8 different colors that pick up the main colors in the fabric. I shaped the bag slightly to give it a little visual interest. Now I just have to design and sew the lining. I'm not exactly sure how to go about this exactly. This will be an experiment. I know the shaping I'll need but am unsure of the interfacing and other elements of construction. I'll post pictures when it's complete but for now this is all I've got! I am so excited about this bag. I cannot wait to proudly carry it when it's finished.
I couldn't hold back from the wrist bag craze. I made my diaper bag a baby! It took a while to figure out how I wanted to shape the handle but I think I finally came up with a design that complements the little bag. Like other wristelet bags I've seen this one is big enough for my wallet, keys and cel along with a few other small items like lipgloss. Now to break out my sewing machine and construct some linings. . . But first a trip to the fabric store!
I finished the lining. It has 2 large pockets on one side for diapers and wipes, and on the other side there are three pockets. Two small ones for sippy cups and a center one for snacks. The main bag compartment holds my sling, change pad and burp rags/ clothing changes and my wrist bag. Even with all of this the bag still remains pretty flat and compact. I love it. It's a great summer diaper bag and with my boys being older I don't need as much room as I once needed in the Nappy Bag. I need some practice with taking pictures of the inside of my projects!