Sunday, April 02, 2006

The first summer tan

I had just brought the boys in from playing outside for most of the morning in their pool for their nap. I had at this point taken off their fuzzy bunz, rubbed them down with aloe vera after sun lotion and put on sposies :p They were playing by the back door, probably wishing to be outside and they were so cute so I had to take this picture. You don't need to adjust the color of your screen. . . yes they did get quite a tan. As you can see by the color variation on each of their thighs. Evidently cloth diapers cover quite a few inches wider swath on the legs, well that is cloth that gets wet, lol.
All I can say is thank God for that deck with a baby gate and their pool because it along with their matchbox car washes kept them occupied for several hours so that Rocky and I could get yard work done. Rocky and I were in the sun too long!!! Next time we need to take a cue from the kids, that when it's time for them to go in, we should too!
The good thing is that we've both concluded that all this working in the hot sun is going to get us more fit and trim. . . we hope!
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Karina said...

They are soo cute!

Jennifer said...

lol, poor babies. i have some other friends their children also already have their first burn on the year. i guess the weather has been so nice out u just cna't help but go out!
yea, shane and i have been loving working out in our yard. glad u and rok got the stuff u needed to ur yard so u can get it fixed:D

Christi said...

Wow! I need some color can I borrow some of theres?