Friday, April 28, 2006

I wanna be just like Daddy

After work today Rocky needed to work on the mower to get it ready for this season. One of the many things he needed to do was sharpen the blades. As he was filing the blades Charmie asked if he could help. Rocky got Charmie his toy file from his toy tool chest and showed him how to "file" the dull blade. It was so cute to see him rubbing that dull piece of metal with his plastic file just like Rocky was, confident that he was sharpening the blade and helping. He's Rocky's mini me. Posted by Picasa


Christi said...

so sweet!

Jennifer said...

awww, that is so precious

Karina said...

you know Rockys eatin it up! It so great to see kids mimicing the good stuff!:)