Thursday, January 17, 2008

big brother admires our sweet baby

This was all fine and good,but I should have known a good thing wouldn't last. . . she has blowout diapers these days as none of her cloth diapers fit well around her tiny thighs and I'm resistant to order smaller sizes to be used for a short time. . .
Well this is the first day i was dressing her in this set. She pooed the soaker, blanket and her swing and then after I cleaned her up, spit up all over her kimono. I've got some laundry to do!

i still haven't figured out closures for these. . . The kimono I just wrapped closed, the wrap soaker is held with a single diaper pin.
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Christi said...

oh my gosh shes so sweet!!

Karina said...

sooo cute