Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A day of firsts

Yesterday I got my first set of dpns and started my first pair of socks. . . I had written a longer entry but when I tried to spell check it disappeared. I'll give more updates later but for now I'll just say that I'm using Bernat Sox yarn in Hot Tamale. It knits up into stripes like LB magic stripes. I bought 2 balls but I am making ankle socks so I may only need one. So far I have made my ribbing and am working on the part before the ankle starts.
I don't like dpns. I like magic loop with circs better. This seems really akward but I am getting the hang of it. It keeps feeling like my work is going to slip off the back of the dpns though.
I'm going to try to add some pictures later of this work in progress.

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