well after getting off the top and end covers I was about to stick my finger in when I saw this little lady staring back at me. I shreiked, jumped back, called Rocky and he proceeded to try to get her out to kill her. She deceptivly jumped down, then ran and hid in the case base until about three seconds after this picture was taken at which point her life ended. I thank her for killing the rest of the bugs and spiders that inhabited this machine so that I only had to kill one! For those of you who aren't familiar with spiders or cannot discern her markings this is a Black Widow poisonous spider.

YIKES!!!!! Wow, what a blessing, you are the sewing machine queen!
I agree, praise God I saw her and recognized her for what she was!
man, that could of been so scary if she would have bitten u. black widows and brown recluse (sp) scare me!
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