Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My first Knitting Machine Project!

Bond Felted Tote! I used Patons Merino Wool and am felting as I type I can't wait to see how this bag turns out. Like a dork I didn't measure it before felting but I'll post measurements after it's done. I started last night with the body of the tote and around 4/5 of the way through the deep red base my knitting machine fell off my craft table and the bag fell off the machine. Needless to say I had a bunch of yarn everywhere and loops and I had to take out most of the base and re do it. I started back at the boys naptime and fixed last night's mess up. . . After Rocky got home I could really focus on finishing the bag. He graciously watched the boys while I knitted away. After getting the hang of it machine knitting goes pretty quickly. But there is definitely a learning curve and for instant gratification people like myself, it can be quite discouraging! I persevered though and man am I glad! What a great reward! Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Janet Richards said...

sounds like fun. I'm glad you have made your first knitting machine project! :)