Janet inspired me to make the Vintage Bubble Bag from Pursenalities. I used the above pictured yarns. Plymouth Outback 100% wool and the cone yarn which I belive is Brown Sheep. I'm not sure of the colorway for either because my lables are long gone. This is my leftovers. My sister's first bubble bag was the same color of Plymouth Outback so I used her leftovers first, then added mine. I made the pattern about 30% larger than the instructions called for by increasing the number of stitches and rows. I wanted a larger bag. I started this late late on Wednesday night after I used all of the sari silk I had on the other bag that I'm making. I have some more silk coming via the mail so as soon as it arrives I'll be working on that bag again! Hopefully it will be tomorrow.

After 2 cycles in my front loader,some delicate wash, baking soda and 3 kettles of boiling water voila!

It measures 29.75" around it's widest point and 10" from base to rim. The handles stretched a little because I was pulling and shaping the bag with the heavy blanket inside, LOL they measure 27" now but started out being 20" before felting. I may toss this into the dryer with the blanket inside of it to dry it quick and let it full a little more around the blanket.
The cycle in the dryer did exactly what I wanted it too. It dried the bag and shrunk the handles and removed the little disortion I had from stretching the bag by hand! It is finished!
love the bag!!! That turned out great! I like how the colors mixed together. I have got to make myself one of those. Isn't it soo easy, but looks much more complicated :) Love that. I am torn b/c I love that and the s&B bag both. I'll have to make one of each for me after I get done with my Christmas bags!! :)
That is sooooo adorable!!!! I really like this bag!! great work!!
looks great! yr work is awesome:)
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