Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Embroidery card

It came today and Thank God it works.  I had a scare.  I could write to it, but my machine wasn't recognizing it so I was freaking out.  I called the support line and the tech immediately said I needed a different card.  I explained that the Manufacturer assured me that this card would work.  She said that they just misunderstood what I was asking.  I was starting to really freak, but I kept her on the line and explained that it wasn't the reader/writer but my Embroidery machine that wasn't recognizing the card, she asked if I had the correct hoop size set.  DUH!!!! One simple change and voila I can now embroider designs I download from my PC :D!  I'm estatic.  Here's a test.  I decided to emblish my plain jane thread/scrap trash bag.
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Karina said...

Oh wow! so yr machine did all that! so cool! im getting even more excited!

Jennifer said...

oohhh wow!!! that is sooo cool. I love it. I am so happy it works for u. I can't wait to see what else u get to do with it.

Christi said...

YAY how cool!

Janet Richards said...

cool - I can't wait to see your creations!