The card you see attached to it is my new hangtag. I have to figure out if this is how I want to attach things. I'm still working through the whole display thing.

Hello, my name is Doreen and I am a stay at home schooling mom. I strive to share God's love with my children while helping them to grow in a nurturing environment. I love to create and craft with fiber arts as well as the gadgets and tools for creating. If you are reading here, come on in and see what we are working on growin'.
very cool, so this was placemat that got somewhere and you turned it into a bag?
the bag came out great, and i love the handles u have for it.
how did u finally decide on how to attach the handles?
Yes it's a placemat that I purchased and turned into a bag.
I just sewed the edges with the overcast stitch and then folded them under.
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