On a whim I asked Rocky what he got me. . . I wasn't really expecting him to tell me or very much, and not anything this special but he got me a Singer 201K! It's in great condition and sew's very nicely for an almost 60 year old machine. I need to get the information on how to thread it and use it. I'm so excited.
Rocky found this and picked it out all by himself. He used much deception and trickery to get it and I was totally clueless. He showed Charmie and Charmie almost gave up the secret, but Rocky reigned him in. I am so happy with my Mother's day gift, it couldn't be more perfect. . . not just WHAT I received, but how it came about and that my Ray boy's picked it out just for me with so much care and love.

awwwww, so awesome! it looks so cool! hopefully u can find directions easily for it. it will be neat to see it and how it sews!
I'm so stupid excited. . . I've got to go to bed, but I'm already ahead of ya! I figured out how to thread it, and have been sewing test swatches. I'm still trying to get a balanced stitch. I already found and ordered an original manual from eBay so when that comes I'll be really in business!
wow, already have your decoration machine and it works. that is soo cool. it looks great!
wow. can i have it?
What a great gift! Can't wait to see it.
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