Well as I blogged previously, after making a cover for Big Momma, some of my other machines were jealous. They had covers, but none so fancy as Big Momma's. Well nobody is going to be as fancy as Big Momma, but I figured that SK could move on up and get a quilted cover to at least match Big Momma's so she isn't misrepresented. Speaking of which, the colors are not showing up completely accurate.
Well here 'tis! I used pretty much the same construction methods. I made the following changes though:
- size/shape
- quilting of the fabric, this time I stippled the main fabric, and stitched in the ditch around the patches.
- slits! Sojourner loves to show off her feet so she needed some slits in her skirt. . . that's not the whole truth. I often use her with an extension table and I wanted a cover that could be used with or without the table so I needed it to be able to convert between the two. That's why I put slits.
- binding at the bottom. I just hemmed BMK's bottom, but for SK since she had the slits I decided to bind the edges.
Man I didn't know what I was in for. I tried to use my binder foot. That was a BIG mistake. After 4 attempts of about 7 or 8" of stitching and frogging it all I decided to just sew the binding like I would on a quilt and then turn and stitch it down.
I'm having fun making these and I have all of the fabric picked out and the patches stitched out for the last one. . . Now to just figure out Serge's sexy shape so that I can finish his fitted cover.
Come to think of it, my fabric trash bag is looking pretty shabby compared to these covers. I guess after Serge's cover I'll be quilting a new one. Hopefully I can recycle the embroidery/applique I don't have that file anymore, it was for my Brother machine.

Cover converted with extension table in place.