Monday, June 12, 2006

Pin Beast

As some of you know I start teaching classes at my local fabric store tomorrow to children. As I was gathering my supplies I realized that I didn't want to take Pinup girl, she's too big so I needed a little pincushion.
Pin Beast is born. I think he's small enough to hitch a ride in the rolling sewing case to class tomorrow. Posted by Picasa


Karina said...

wow, I didnt realize that was happening tomorrow! Let me know how it goes! Pin beast is cute!

Jennifer said...

LOL, he has arms and legs! and of course i love the colors

doreen said...

If he didn't have arms and legs how would he occassionally get up and run away???

Jennifer said...

lol, if he gets up and runs away take pics..i wanna see!

Janet Richards said...

cute - how did the class go?

doreen said...

Class went very well. I only gave 1.5 weeks to get my students enrolled so I had only one student for the two time slots I offered. I chose to ask them to combine into one so they agreed to both attend the first time slot.
My students are ages 12 and 10 and both seem eager to learn to sew. They are both beginners to varrying degrees and it will be interesting to work with them to bring them through their outfits.