Hello, my name is Doreen and I am a stay at home schooling mom. I strive to share God's love with my children while helping them to grow in a nurturing environment. I love to create and craft with fiber arts as well as the gadgets and tools for creating. If you are reading here, come on in and see what we are working on growin'.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tonight I started and finished 2 King pillow shams. They were not as hard as I used to think they would be. I had a freak out moment when I thought I didn't have enough fabric to give a generous enough overlap but a quick call to Jo and she set me straight. I still have a pending project for my sis for Jada and my mom. I will have to set aside some time to sew and get them done.
Getting our Christmas Tree at Pinetop farms 2006

After a few delays that we couldn't avoid like heavy traffic on the main highway to get there for miles and miles and nature calling both boys almost at the same time and 2 hayrides out to the tree arbor we finally found our tree.
Mardie really had lots of fun this year in finding all of the stumps from everyone else's cut trees. Hence the sap "lotion" you see covering his hand. His had was so sticky that his fingers had started to stick together! Thankfully he didn't get too much in his hair, or on his clothes. What put me over the top though was when he decided to grab handfuls of the dirt on the hayride path with his sap hand and other hand and throw them simultaneously into the air over his head and hair! Once I realized what he had been doing I tried to isolate his hand and body for that matter, but it was too late.
Rubbing Alcohol removes sap btw.

Our Tree
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Mardie and his Lightning pants

Sunday, November 19, 2006
major overhaul
Sorry I have no pictures to post yet, but yesterday starting from around 7am Rocky and I did a major overhaul on almost every room in our home! And all of it because of me. Now before some of you start to jump to conclusions, no I'm not pregnant.
But we did get most of the furniture out of our office. Since we don't have unlimited space in our home that meant first deciding which things needed to go, then what things needed to be displaced to make room for the stuff we were removing from the office and then progressing in making it all happen. I didn't get to bed until after 5am and I still am not done, but at least the contents of my bookcases are no longer on my living room couches and you can actually walk through the living room again, oh and the computer is obviously working or I wouldn't be able to blog.
I now have a dedicated sewing room! We still need to build my cutting/pressing table, but the room is cleared of our bookcases and office armiore.
I wanted to sew more with the work my boss is giving to me, but without a dedicated space I was having to spend a large part of my time getting things out and then putting them back away.
I'm really happy with how things have turned out so far and pictures will be forthcoming. . . when we get around to taking them.
For those of you who have been in my home, it looks nothing like it did before due to the major changes.
But we did get most of the furniture out of our office. Since we don't have unlimited space in our home that meant first deciding which things needed to go, then what things needed to be displaced to make room for the stuff we were removing from the office and then progressing in making it all happen. I didn't get to bed until after 5am and I still am not done, but at least the contents of my bookcases are no longer on my living room couches and you can actually walk through the living room again, oh and the computer is obviously working or I wouldn't be able to blog.
I now have a dedicated sewing room! We still need to build my cutting/pressing table, but the room is cleared of our bookcases and office armiore.
I wanted to sew more with the work my boss is giving to me, but without a dedicated space I was having to spend a large part of my time getting things out and then putting them back away.
I'm really happy with how things have turned out so far and pictures will be forthcoming. . . when we get around to taking them.
For those of you who have been in my home, it looks nothing like it did before due to the major changes.
Thursday, November 16, 2006

On the 10th my sister was admitted to the hospital to induce labor for Jada Cherie. That morning my dad saw a bird fly over his house and head toward my sister's home. He described the unusally large bird as a stork.Yesterday morning as I was serving the boy's breakfast I saw a large bird fly into my back yard and settle into one of our trees. This photo is not great as it was overcast and taken through the window, but here the bird perches.I'm not looking for any stork visits, so if you are this may be your missing stork!
Felted Fuzzy Slippers
Rain Rain Rain

With the rain that we received last night and today the creek rose and overflowed it's bank into our back yard. Thankfully when this happens it clears away quickly and our house is elevated substantially over the level of the rest of the yard, but here you can see the creek and then part of a bank with stuff growing from it, and then our yard again. These pictures are taken from our deck.
I know Rocky will be so glad when this job is completed as it has taken all of his free time lately.

Pre-Felted fuzzy slippers

I almost had enough to make them from one ball of Lorna's Bullfrogs and Butterflys but ran short right at the toe so I used some black worsted wool to finish them off.
I am borrowing the One Skein Knitting book and Odd Ball Knitting book from my sis so I'm gathering ideas for other projects that I can use just one ball to make. Maybe next time I'll have better success of finishing before I run out!

Chef's Charmie and Mardie

Twisted bedsocks

Meet Camella's twin Lily

I immediately found the sewing machines and was pleasantly suprised to find 2- 3/4 machines in fairly good cosmetic condition, and both sewed. The machine on the right, Singer 185K aka Lily and another 99- to be sisters with Cranky and Goldie. I actually think I will take the case from this new 99- and put Cranky into it. I have not had time to clean or name this 99-. I will have to find some time soon.
I did spend a little bit of time cleaning up my little Lily. It was very neat to compare machines side by side and notice differences like the orienteation of the cord on the foot pedal, size of handwheel, bobbin case area, etc. After cleaning and oiling I put them side by side along with Cranky and tested stitching. I know some are not a big fan of the 285J, Camella, machine but I couldn't tell much difference in the stitching. I also couldn't tell much difference in the volume when sewing between Camella and Lily, however Cranky was much quieter.
I had put obtaining machines on a moratorium somewhat, at least I thought I had. I am still on the lookout however for a reasonably priced featherweight. I think then I will stop. I have 3 machines to sell. One of which I haven't blogged or named, or attepmted to really add to the collection as it's a full sized Brother from the 70's with a cute flowerd case.

Happy 6th Anniversary and Happy Birthday Jada

While we were there we dined at Gerards in Greer, SC which was the nicest place Rocky and I have ever dined at together. We also tasted from some other local goodies like Mutt's BBQ and Japanese steakhouse. We went horseback riding for a 1 hour trip and also toured the Walnut Gove Plantation. Since having kids we haven't really had opportunity, or made opportunity to get away like this together so this weekend was a real treat for both of us!
I would like to give special thanks to those who made it all possible. . . our parents who watched our boys, the Ray's having to travel to spend the night, and the Manuel's who also had their 2 other grandchildren to watch as my new niece was born on our anniversary this year!
Also my dear husband Rocky who had the ideas of where to go, creativity to try some new things, and forsight to plan it all ahead so that everything went smoothly. God had truely blessed me with a wonderful mate, provider, father for my children, and man of God and though at times it seems that we have known each other forever, I am glad that we are really just at the beginning of our journey together!

Another day, another hairstyle

Attempt at knitting a hat

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A response to a me
01. bought everyone in the bar a drink02. swam with wild dolphins03. climbed a mountain04. taken a ferrari for a test drive05. been inside the great pyramid06. held a tarantula 07. taken a candlelit bath with someone 08. said "i love you" and meant it 09. hugged a tree 10. bungee jumped11. visited paris12. watched a lightning storm at sea13. stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise 14. seen the northern lights 15. gone to a huge sports game 16. walked the stairs to the top of the leaning tower of pisa17. grown and eaten your own vegetables 18. touched an iceberg19. slept under the stars 20. changed a baby's diape r21. taken a trip in a hot air balloon22. watched a meteor shower 23. gotten drunk on champagne 24. given more than you can afford to charity 25. looked up at the night sky through a telescope 26. had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment 27. had a food fight 28. bet on a winning horse29. asked out a stranger 30. had a snowball fight 31. screamed as loudly as you possibly can 32. held a lamb 33. seen a total eclipse 34. ridden a roller coaster 35. hit a home run 36. danced like a fool and not cared who was looking 37. adopted an accent for an entire day 38. actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment 39. had two hard drives for your computer 40. visited all 50 states41. taken care of someone who was drunk 42. had amazing friends 43. danced with a stranger in a foreign country44. watched whales 45. stolen a sign 46. backpacked in europe47. taken a road-trip 48. gone rock climbing 49. midnight walk on the beach 50. gone sky diving51. visited ireland52. been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love 53. in a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them54. visited japan55. milked a cow56. alphabetized your cds 57. pretended to be a superhero 58. sung karaoke 59. lounged around in bed all day 60. played touch football 61. gone scuba diving62. kissed in the rain 63. played in the mud 64. played in the rain 65. gone to a drive-in theater 66. visited the great wall of china67. started a business 68. fallen in love and not had your heart broken (so far, so good)69. toured ancient sites 70. taken a martial arts class71. played d&d for more than 6 hours straight72. gotten married 73. been in a movie74. crashed a party 75. gotten divorced76. gone without food for 5 days77. made cookies from scratch 78. won first prize in a costume contest79. ridden a gondola in venice80. gotten a tattoo.81. rafted the snake river82. been on television news programs as an "expert"83. gotten flowers for no reason 84. performed on stage 85. been to las vegas86. recorded music 87. eaten shark 88. kissed on the first date89. gone to thailand90. bought a house 91. been in a combat zone92. buried one/both of your parents93. been on a cruise ship94. spoken more than one language fluently (no, but my Korean was very good for a time)95. performed in rocky horror96. raised children(raising) 97. followed your favorite band/singer on tour98. passed out cold 99. taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country100. picked up and moved to another city to just start over101. walked the golden gate bridge102. sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking 103. had plastic surgery104. survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived105. wrote articles for a large publication106. lost over 100 pounds107. held someone while they were having a flashback108. piloted an airplane109. touched a stingray 110. broken someone's heart 111. helped an animal give birth112. won money on a t.v. game show113. broken a bone114. gone on an african photo safari115. had a facial part pierced other than your ears116. fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol 117. eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wildsidenote - where is 118?119. had major surgery120. had a snake as a pet121. hiked to the bottom of the grand canyon122. slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours 123. visited more foreign countries than u.s. states124. visited all 7 continents125. taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days 126. eaten kangaroo meat127. eaten sushi 128. had your picture in the newspaper 129. changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about 130. gone back to school 131. parasailed132. touched a cockroach 133. eaten fried green tomatoes 134. read The iliad 135. selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read136. killed and prepared an animal for eating137. skipped all your school reunions (so far) 138. communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language 139. been elected to public office140. written your own computer language141. thought to yourself that you're living your dream142. had to put someone you love into hospice care143. built your own PC from parts144. sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you145. had a booth at a street fair146. dyed your hair 147. been a dj148. shaved your head149. caused a car accident150. saved someone's life
My friend had this on her blog and I thought I would post it to mine. enjoy!
My friend had this on her blog and I thought I would post it to mine. enjoy!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Racing pants #1

These are not meant to be pj's but just pants to wear around our house. When Charmie modeled these he was still wearing his bulky night time undies so he looks a little hippy. With normal undies they have a slimmer profile.

Thank you Gayle for sharing your one seam pants pattern and tips for teaching classes.

Charmie's first braids
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