After a few delays that we couldn't avoid like heavy traffic on the main highway to get there for miles and miles and nature calling both boys almost at the same time and 2 hayrides out to the tree arbor we finally found our tree.
Mardie really had lots of fun this year in finding all of the stumps from everyone else's cut trees. Hence the sap "lotion" you see covering his hand. His had was so sticky that his fingers had started to stick together! Thankfully he didn't get too much in his hair, or on his clothes. What put me over the top though was when he decided to grab handfuls of the dirt on the hayride path with his sap hand and other hand and throw them simultaneously into the air over his head and hair! Once I realized what he had been doing I tried to isolate his hand and body for that matter, but it was too late.
Rubbing Alcohol removes sap btw.

that little hand is soo cute!
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