Sunday, January 06, 2008

The gift of warmth

My sis made me a gift to keep my head and ears warm. Since I have a certain head shape and hair style I needed it to be slightly smaller and thinner than it came out. . . She followed instructions, but the yarn and design is super stretchy with all of those ribs. She suggested that some people had felted their finished projcet to get the proper fit so I decided to carefully felt the one she made for me.
I LOVE IT! It's perfect and now that it's felted it will do an even better job of cutting the wind to my ears.
Thank you Janet so much for making Calorimitry for me. I am looking forward to wearing it. I now have to choose between this and the Noro scarf you made for me last year!
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1 comment:

Janet Richards said...

I'm glad the felting worked out! It looks great! :)