Saturday, January 26, 2008

what I'm doing right now

Ms. Z has given me a crash refresher course in the variability of newborns from day to day, hour to hour really. we've had some nights where she sleeps for a decent stretch and we've had nights like what tonight seems to be where we nurse for a few minutes, then burp, then get a diaper change, then try to go to sleep in no particular order and at any point in the "cycle" we start all over again, sprinkled with bouts of fussiness.
I caught her in a sleeping moment for this pic.

Of course right after I took this she woke and wanted to be burped then nursed, then she spit and needed to be changed. . . It's amazing how God equips us new moms with the ability to deal with this and not go insane.
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Karina said...

awww so sweet, hang in there u know it passes as quickly as its started. I think some moms do go insane. I know ive had my moments......

Jennifer said...

boy do i know what you mean...she looks beatiful and peaceful

Anonymous said...

I admire your patience and persistance and self-less love that you are showering Zuri with. :)

She looks so precious when she's sleeping like that! Just melts my heart. <3


Anonymous said...

awww shes so sweet looking. Hang in there :)

Jenny said...

Now that is a really good pic of Zuri! I love that little girl... SO cute.