Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mitts for M

Ok, I'm not sure what's going on with the funky color, other than the fact that I don't have very good lighting in my office and the sewing machine light was shining from the side, these are really a much brighter green, and the stitching is much brighter too, and of course the cover for my embroidery machine is not pink!

They are slightly deformed.  I'm still learning this variable speed control thingie and stop and start button, and I don't pin, LOL.  Also something funky happened when I was monograming Mardie's name.  I think I should have used stabilizer due to the fact that the fleece is so bulky.  But Here are some little mittens for my sweet sweet kitten.  I need to make a pair for Charmie too. 
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Karina said...

u r sooo creative!

Christi said...

yay! they are cute :) I made a pair of mittens for mya before christmas.. they are sad looking lol but mya likes them lol