I got inspired by Christi's training pants and decided to try to make Charmie some with side snaps. I also wanted to try to make a pocket thingie cause I've only made fitted diapers or aio (fleece) dipes but never a pocket one. I tried using FOE before but it was not successful. . . Since I had purchased yards of it from my first attempt, when I was cleaning up my sewing area and found it I thought I'd give it a try for this project. IT WORKED!!!!!
My plastic prong snaps by Dritz, color snaps, did not however! I have put in 4 studs and 2 sockets but they are not very strong and would pull apart too easily for charmie to actually wear it. I'll have to remove them and get this snapped with some plastic snaps. I'm going to see if one of my friends with a press can help a sista out!
This is my 2nd attempt at a trainer pant. I tried to make my own pattern yesterday and if I desired to fiddle with it I could have adjusted it and plowed on but What I came up with I turned and top stitched so it was way to small. I also serged off too much for the flaps so the waist area was nearly impossible to even squeeze onto mardie. Harold, Charmie's toy monkey, who used to be Rocky's and before that used to be Rocky's mom's now wears those tiny little pants. I found this free pattern at for a pocket trainer to fit from 25-40lbs and thought that this would be a good place to start.
After trying the pant on this morning with just the one side snaped I learned 2 things. I will need a second set of snaps to allow it to be bigger becaue this first set just barely fits, and the snaps I have work, but not well. my friend Karina has a press and will be able to bring it and some snaps for me to try. but in the meantime, here it is on Ch.

very cool!!!!!!
that is such a great idea...(all of them, actually) My 2 year old son is semi potty training right now. The thought of making my own diapers never even crossed my mind!! A big DUH on my part!
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