The medallions were supposed to be rosettes but the fabric was heavy and it was difficult to get it to lay flat and be this size so after 3 failed rosette attempts I made these yoyo medallions instead. This is where I get to tell you about the explosion and fire!
I had actually finished up the first one and had taken a picture to send to Jo to get her approval seeing as how I made something completely different from what was originally requested. I was emailing her on the laptop in this room when suddenly I heard a loud noise and looked up in time to see my glue gun shoot sparks, burst into flames and then burn up. It hadn't been plugged in very long so I'm not sure exactly what happened. I'm just glad it didn't happen when my hand was on it, or when I was closer to it, or when I was out of the room. . . I could go on, you get the point. Praise God nobody and nothing was damaged or really lost other than the stupid glue gun.
The pillows I worked on yesterday, today and tonight. They are silk and I really liked the fabric. . . that is until I worked with it. It's so HARD to work with! It's lighter weight than most of the other decorator fabrics I've had so far so it had some interesting challenges. Like it wanted to pucker up when the fringe was being added, and any pin or needle hole made a mark. None-the-less I finally finished them up. And the hardest part for me was cutting it all in the first place. I don't have a ton of experience with matching plaids so I ran into some challenges when it was time to cut the pillows. I didn't give enough thought to matching and centering the pillow faces before my first few cuts. That resulted in loss of fabric and I had to really be thoughful and creative to get the rest of the pieces cut from my remainder. I still barely had enough fabric. In fact I almost had a serger disaster with one pillow but thankfully I was able to finish with just scraps to spare.
The two on the left are meant to be larger and have different trim. The one on top is upside down to illustrate my first zipper closures in pillows that I'm quite proud of I must say. The two on the right are 2 inches smaller and showing the face of the pillow.
I really do love this job, because even though this was a tough project all around to get through, it was still fun, challenging and I was motivated to get er done!

i love the color of the pillows and the medallions look really good
The colors are very pretty. It would look awesome in your new livingroom!
wow, im impressed, and with the fire and all....
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