We got the kid's Little Tykes keyboard first at a gs for $2, it was new in the box and has symbols for each letter along with the letter character to help learn letters and sounds. Unfortunately it was missing the software though.
We then found the speakers and woofer at Value Village for $5.
Next we got the desk for $30 from a statewide online gs group, thankfully my MIL was able to get it delivered to her home and we picked it up a few weeks later.
Next we got the printer/scanner/copier as a freebie when we bought our laptop.
Then we got the actual Pentium 3, XP OS cpu at the Salvation Army, we paid around $20 for it, it also had a monitor, keyboard, printer, mouse, sound, etc. but we wanted our other ones.
Rocky found a usb wifi adaptor at Salvation Army sealed in the box for $3.
Lastly we received the flatscreen lcd monitor as a Christmas gift from my parents.
Now they have their own computer to play their games on, and internet to go to websites like www.starfall.com or www.noggin.com and explore.
So you are probably wondering why this post on my craft blog?
Well right after we got their monitor and wifi I got the bright idea to clean up their computer and then to add anti virus software to protect it since they would be on the internet. I went crazy with deleting and downloading and then all of the sudden I couldn't connect to the internet anymore :(. I didn't know what caused it since I was doing so many things at once. (not a good idea with a computer btw). Long story short, after several weeks and multipe calls to support for help and getting a very savvy person to come to help it was still broke. . .
That is until 2 nights ago when I prayed over it and figured out how to fix it. It took literally FOREVER, but now it's back up and running as it should!
So I guess I posted this here to proclaim my achievement since I'm am the furthest thing from a computer guru and I felt proud of myself.