Hello, my name is Doreen and I am a stay at home schooling mom. I strive to share God's love with my children while helping them to grow in a nurturing environment. I love to create and craft with fiber arts as well as the gadgets and tools for creating. If you are reading here, come on in and see what we are working on growin'.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thank you bear
Well after she gave it to me I didn't think it would be right to deny my new baby niece a handknit bear from yarn her momma got just for that purpose ;-}
Thanks J. I love the yarns. I intend to do lots with them. I hope JC3 likes the bear.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wet Froggy day
Today I continued planning for future projects and frogged a project I made a little over a year ago, vesty. I never really liked how it seemed so bulky. Maybe I'm just not a vest kind of girl. I love the colors however and my attempt at stash busting. I plan to redo this into something that I will love to wear. My sis also gave me some scrap, sock and chenille yarn last night that she didn't want to work with and one of the types of yarn was in the process of becoming socks. I frogged that too. Now that the frogging is done, since it's so wet outside I'll just sit inside and knit. I'm working on a bag right now so my 2nd footie sock is on hold on the needles.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I'm changing what my blog is all about. I'm not taking away the crafting part because it's a big part of who I am, but I'm adding in some other pretty big parts too. I think I finally honed my blog description to set the tone. Don't get mad if you see me posting different kinds of things. It's my blog, it's my prerogative.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
New addiction and some old ones too
On a separate yet related topic of books and addictions, 2 arrived in the mail today from Amazon. I love books. Most of my friends are slightly freaked out with the number of books they see in my home on various topics. I'm not talking about novels. Except for a few classics most of my books are non-fiction. The two that came are Sally Melville Styles and The Knitting Experience: Book 3. I've been pouring through them and their ideas while referencing back to Books 1 and 2. All the while finding patterns, ideas, future projects that I want to delve into NOW. I've been happy with everything I've made from Book 1 except for a vest. The problem with the vest was my poor yarn choice not the actual pattern or style.
I haven't tackled anything from book 2 but part of that was my challenges with finding yarn for the projects. I like how Styles helps with working through stash. That's a big problem for me, having plenty of yarn but not knowing how to approach a project from my stash and often not having enough yardage. Or sometimes having way too much yardage and feeling like if I make a project I'll have too much leftovers to justify "splitting" the yardage.
Sally in this book also demonstrates how just one ball of something I like can be very useful. I always felt that just one ball was a waste, but often find yarn I love and antagonize over not being able to afford enough of it to make a project, or over finding the right project for the yarn. I have to actually try to put the principles into practice but from what I've already read I'm looking forward to undertaking some new projects with different methods and techniques than what I've done in the past.
I've been stockpiling scraps of sock yarn from my socks and from whatever I can get my sister to give me so I've been planning a scrappy project. I haven't figured out exactly how I'm going to make it come together but I have even stronger feelings now about making this project happen.
I made a blanket in college that was this type of project. The blanket is a favorite of mine and now the boys. It's lapaghan sized and a huge variation on a granny square. It's made mostly of yarn I recycled from sweaters I got at the campus clothing swap. Because it would have been impossible to get all the same texture and weight of yarn this project has lots of texture and variation between the yarns but it works. I'd love to have some garments like this.
Quick mix and biscuits
The mix is easy to make and yields about 10 cups of mix. I had everything on hand so I plunged right in. I used some of the store bought flour I had on hand. I've got to use it up somewhere. Here's the result.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Summer sock one of ???
I like thin, cotton, at or below the ankle socks in the summer. They have to be nonbinding and the MUST stay up! There's nothing worse than a footie sock that is swallowed up inside my shoe. Making lumps and bunching up around my toes.
I just realized that all of the socks that I was knitting were wool, and well above my ankle so I ran to the yarn shop and picked up some Brown Sheep Cotton Fine. It's a blend of 75% cotton and 25% wool. It's light and airy, looks like cotton and feels like yummy cool wool. The color is more of a berry/burgundy but the flash on my camera washed it out to this plum color. I had some grand ideas of mixing colors and playing with texture but when I started to knit I kept this first try pretty simple. I made up my pattern because most of the socks patterns I've seen for free are for longer socks. I had to be very careful and frog several parts as this yarn is NOT forgiving. It shows all stitch flaws and errors. Evidently I don't know the formula for making socks as rote as I believed I did. There were some parts that looked wrong that I took out and reknit. I discovered I can only talk and knit or talk and purl. So basically stockinette, garter or reverse stockinette. No talking with the pattern stitches or I really mess up.
And believe it or not my ankle is not ashy. I just have very dry skin. Maybe I need to get a foot mannequin???? Anyway, I love these socks and am looking forward to finishing this pair and then knitting up some of the other colors I picked up and the other cotton blend yarn I have. These socks are going to spoil me. They are relatively quick to complete since they are so short even though they are on 2.5mm needles and fingering weight yarn. I started this sock 2 days ago.
On a side note. I LOVE LOVE LOVE wearing the socks that I make. I'm starting to weed out and get rid of my store bought socks that are worn or not comfortable and replace them with my hand knit ones. Until you try them you have no idea how happy your feet are in handknit socks! I never thought of knitting socks seriously until my sister did. Then I saw them and they looked so cute, but she let me try them on and the rest is history! I fell in love. I plan to knit some other things soon, but these socks have sucked me in! My feet want more and more.
New Loaves
Today was the day to make our new loaves. I used the flour I milled for these. I had a problem with adding too much flour and possibly not kneading long enough because the loaf to the right is more moist, the loaf to the left was dryer and the loaf baby loaf was the leftover crumbles with water added to make a dough ball. I haven't sliced them yet to see their texture. But other than the dry/moist thing they came out perfect. I need to see if I can find a bigger recipe, or make this one bigger so that my loaves are larger. They don't get as big as I'd like. My loaf pans are glass and 9x5.25 so rather large. Maybe the recipe is fine for smaller pans??? I had no problems with release. I used the Mazola pure canola oil cooking spray and really liked it!
Charmie is already begging for bread so I guess I'll have to make him a snack with the baby loaf.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
My machine collection
I plan to keep SK, BMK, Serge, Baby Kenny, Genie, Singer 201, Peaches and maybe one of my Singer 99's or *85 series. I have to talk to my mom to see if she wants one. I have 2 in my attic and one on my kitchen counter that I haven't even blogged yet. I was keeping the attic ones for future "students" to loan out or use as they are great machines and in perfect working order. The one in the kitchen is needing to be cleaned up still, but it's sat there since last Nov. I oil it and turn the hand wheel occasionally. Just not so collectible. I just have too many to give proper care and feeding too. It's sad really. A mech's nightmare.
Anyway maybe their release can make some other sm mech happy and bring in a few $ for me to lend to another hobby. . .
As far as meching is concerned I did order a gear that Genie needs and plan to install it when it comes. This will be my biggest meching feat yet. I'm nervous and excited all at once. I pray I don't get in over my head. This is a complicated job as this gear is in the middle of the sewing machine and has other gears and belts and mechanisms tied to it so it's difficult to remove and difficult to put back in.
Pray for me y'all.
If you or someone you know are interested in picking up one of my gems just let me know. I've been over my machines with a fine tooth comb so I can give you information on it. I even may have some additional feet or accessories that I can let go depending on the machine that you are interested in. I'm going to be probably putting this collection on the bay. I'm not sure if I'll do it myself or farm the job out. It may be easier for me to let someone else sell them. I will keep you posted though.
Friday, March 23, 2007
3 emails, 2 broken needles later. . .
This bliss and love continued for both until I started to notice on the 2nd sock (on right) that the colors started getting more and more muted and less and less distinct part way into the sock near the cuff. This resolved at the ankle area, and then by the time I started shaping the heel area it started again for a rather thick band. It resolved again as I was over 1/2 way through the instep. I emailed Fleece Artists and am awaiting a response concerning this. I don't think this should have happened and I'm rather disappointed in this yarn at this point.
As for my precious hardwood needles, yesterday I broke one when I had started shaping the toe for the right sock. Earlier today I broke a 2nd further into toe shaping. They have a 5 year guarantee on their needles so I emailed them, one time after each needle broke. I luckily had some INOX needles in this size to complete the project.
Otherwise I love the socks. They feel "real" in that they are not bulky at all on my feet like some of my earlier (worsted weight yarn) socks are. I love how soft the yarn is and that it is still superwash so I can give them machine laundering.
I'm on the thin yarn sock kick and I'm already gearing up for the next pair. I will be using either a cotton or cotton blend as I'm ready for some summer socks!
I visited the in town yarn shop Rave Knits and picked up some Cotton Fine from Brown Sheep so I'm thinking maybe my next socks will be some anklets in this!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Milling Grains
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Jada's first try
Janet, Janeen and Jada came over to pick up the ABC. While they were here I sewed a pouch for Janet to carry it around in. Also Jada got a first try in the carrier with her big sister Janeen modeling it's use. My two beautiful nieces. . . . Janeen was very excited. Jada seemed a little annoyed that we had taken her from mommy. I'm sure when she's not tired, hungry, or needing a burp she'll enjoy it much more.
Janet and Jada's ABC
My sister has to do a lot of business travel after returning to work from her maternity leave for my newest niece Jada. Once a month she has to fly across the country for about a week of meetings. Last month I flew out with her and was her nanny for Jada. I had a lot of fun with my new niece and also with one of my best friends Tink (short for Tinkerbell)
While we were bustling onto and off of planes and through airports and all over the Seattle area we used my Sutemi Gear ABC (Asian Baby Carrier) which I got either right before Mardie was born or shortly thereafter. I love this carrier due to the fact that it has many options for carrying babies and toddlers from about 4mos. through to 45lbs. or whenever you can't handle it anymore.
Since I still use mine I decided to make one for Janet to have for herself. My friend Vicki makes these and sells this type of carrier as well as others so she helped me out with yardage and dimensions. I am really glad she did because I would have underestimated how much I needed. Here it is. All laid out and then modeled with Charmie who is approximately 40lbs. and Mardie who is around 26lbs. Both of them are comfortable to carry in this carrier as their weight is well distributed across my hips and wide on both shoulders. There is no cutting in on the neck or gouging. I used padding on the thicker portion of the straps and then tapered the straps and stopped padding where they are just long for tying.
I have Charmie in the classic facing in on back over under leg tie. I tied the straps like a backpack vs crossing them over my chest. Mardie in the classic front facing in over under leg tie. This carrier has long enough and wide enough straps to be used for hip carry or lowered for breastfeeding also.
I reinforced all of the strap join areas with at least 5 rows of stitching. I built this carrier to last. I just hope Janet likes the color.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
peanut butter
I made peanut butter today for the first time. I processed 2 cups of peanuts until they were creamy smooth butter. I must admit at first when the peanuts were processed into nut crumbles I had my doubts, but I continued processing and eventually it turned into butter. No more store bought peanut butter for the Rays. . . well not if I have my way. I bought some peanuts from Sams club, and you can see from the photo above that they contain some salt, they also have some peanut oil, but no sugar or other additives. The next time I buy nuts I will get some with no additives. Thanks mom and dad for the food processor! I really needed one, and like it. I'm sure I will have many more adventures with it!
An aside on me making things for the boys this morning Charmie had a glass of Strawberrt Bananna v8Fusion. A juice that is way too expensive, but accoding to it's markieting from v8, very healthy with it's full serving of fruits and veggies per glass. Anyway, my picky eater son asked me to take it away and make him some juice. He wanted me to juice him some juice. I was running short on time so I didn't but the fact that he asked for my fresh juice over the stuff he's been drinking and loving for months made me smile inside.

makin' bread
I'm getting better at some parts of the bread making thing, but I forgot to cover the loaves for the rising step.
I should be getting a grain mill any day now. A friend of a friend is going to sell me hers. She upgraded to a stand alone mill so I am going to buy her Kitchen Aid stand mixer grain mill attachment. I already have my hard and soft wheat berries so I'm just waiting for the mill. I will have to figure out something to make with the flour I mill since I have alredy made the bread for the next two weeks.