Why is this on my craft blog you ask????
This particular power wheel doesn't have an adjustable seat, in fact it's designed for 3+. Do we follow age guidelines in our family for our toys? Most certainly not! We knew this was right for Mardie, Fisher Price did not however. I made an upholstered and contoured seat cushion fo him that pushes him forward almost 4 inches so that he can more comfortably reach the gas pedal. It's furniture grade polyfill foam batting. Very firm, very durable, weather proof. Just scratchy when not covered. I used leftover remnants from his feeding table seat cover fabric to cover it and some of that "sticky" shelf liner for the base so that it sticks to his seat and doesn't shift around. The neat thing is that it's easy to remove when he get's taller, or Charmie takes a ride.

awesome creativity!!!!!!!
Oh, I love the car. I haven't seen those yet. Your baby is a cutie!
Mardie looks like he loves it! Great solution!
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