It's a National badged machine made for Macy's department store. Hence the name Macy. I cannot find any information on the machine as to when she was made, but I believe she was made in the 1950's or before. Her model is s-40. She's a fiction driven, vibraging shuttle with a crinkle or godzilla brown finish with very few imperfections which is phenomenal. The cord on the other hand has saddly succombed to age and is severly in need of repair. Luckily the part that connects to the motor is fine, it's just the part that goes to both the foot pedal and to the outlet that's questionable to scary in condition with cracks in the insulation and exposed wires. Rocky will rewire her once we get the necessary supplies.
When I first cautiously plugged her in and using rubber soled shoes stepped on her foot controller the motor really struggled and was not wanting to turn the gears at all, it would turn a tiny bit and then whir. I could help it along but it wasn't going well. I actually started to smell smoke and buring lint so I stopped, removed the shuttle, all thread, and tried again. It was better but still not good.
Once I oiled her and cleaned her she runs much better. This machine makes more noise than I am used to a sewing machine making though. I will have to check with some of my sewing machine collector buddies to determine if that's normal or abnormal.
One positive thing I can say is that though this eBay seller didn't ship in a timely manner, or use the method I paid for, either she, or the place she sent this to for shipping did a spectacular job. The head was braced inside the case lid, the case was braced inside the box with foam, extra box material and bubble wrapping. I am glad as this case would have been irreplaceable had it been destroyed. They even cut the top of the box out to accept the handle so that the delivery person and I could carry the box by it!
I will probably just look at this machine and keep it oiled. I don't think I will sew on it unless I have too. It's just not as nice to sew on as my Singers and Kenmores imho. It is neat for my collection. I've never seen one of these before. I have seen the National brand cousin the Seamstress on Mr. Needlebar.

yay it finally came. it looks really iteresting. definitley looks old
Very impressive sewing machine. This would be a great one to display.
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