We had to run to Greensboro on Saturday to meet the lady who had purchased my old embroidery machine. Before we left Rocky took the time to look up some things to do. He figured if we had to drive all that way we might as well make a day of it. We had an interesting drive to say the least. It was pouring torrential rain. But luckily Rocky is a professional driver so we were safe. Fifty one miles into our Sixty seven mile trip we thought we had a flat tire due to the sound the tire was making and the loss of control Rocky experienced while driving so we took the nearest exit and Rocky examined the car. The tire however was not flat! Meanwhile our pack of people that we had been passing had caught up with us so we saw them as we re-entered the highway. Four miles later (about where we would have been had we not exited) there was a very bad single vehicle accident. As we drove up we saw the driver laid out on the hood of his car as the only good Samaritan who would stop was frantically waving traffic and trying to call 911. I know CPR and first aid so though we had already had delays and were still going to meet up with the purchaser of my machine we knew we needed to stop and at least try to offer assistance. The poor driver looked dead, but as we approached we saw that he was alive, so we stayed until the fire/rescue, police and finally EMS arrived. I called his mother, by searching through numbers on his cell phone to notify her of his plight. We thank God that we thought we had a flat or otherwise we almost assuredly would have been involved in his wreck.
We continued to the meeting place and sold the embroidery machine, and then off to the Natural Science Center. We took the boys through the following displays: The 2 traveling exhibitions with dinosaur models and information, the Kid's Alley Island, Lemur Gallery, kid's Alley Boat, A show called Animal Idol (which BTW, don't EVER sit through a boring show at a museum with your toddlers!!), several bug, reptile, small animal areas and the marine gallery. We all had a lot of fun. I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked too. Mainly because I was still in shock from the trip there, but secondly because we had a disposable camera instead of our regular camera and I didn't want to run out of film.
After we left we went to the hospital and found out our accident guy had been released, and on Sunday we called and spoke with his Mother who reported that he was very sore, but she was thankful that we were there to help. As it turned out, he is a student in Charlotte and was going home on a surprise trip so had I not called her, no one would have known he had an accident until he was able to call himself.
God is always moving!