Thursday, April 20, 2006

Present Pads

Here are some pads I made for a friend. I promised these pads 10 months ago when her baby was born, but I got kind of lazy and am just now getting around to making them. I will be making some more for me soon with these same fabrics. I quilted them all, as I did with my first pads, but I experimented on 2 of them with some decorative stitches from my sewing machine and really like the look. I will have to make the futures ones like this. Posted by Picasa


Christi said...

ooooh those are really pretty!!

Jennifer said...

these are all so pretty. i like the diffrent colors. good job!

Jennifer said...

how can i get one??? :D

doreen said...

J, ur a freak! What print do you want? Remember no guarantees, it took 10 months to make these! I guess I can make yours when I make mine.

Jennifer said...

umm number 3 or number 5 please :D

doreen said...

from the right or left? I'm assuming left cuz you love batiks.

Jennifer said...

u got it!

Karina said...

LOL, they are nice. how long are they, I may want too, they look so soft:) I recognize some of the prints!

Nik said...

I'm thinking, "Um, what kinda pads?" Then I started thinking "OH, THOSE kinda pads?" lol. I was just having a conversation with my cousin about how women make their own.

doreen said...

LOL, Nik, you should try some, they are super comfy, much more than those paper and plastic pads!

Jennifer said...

oh yes nik, u should try them. they are sooooo waaayyy better! i will NEVER go back to paper or plastic!

Karina said...

no paper or plastic here either, I love my diva cup and cloth pads!!!!!can never go bk!

doreen said...

They are similar to Luna pads in that they are flannel, but not in that they have a fleece barrier. Luna pads, at least the ones I had were just fleece with no barrier.

Karla said...

Hey, Doreen, I didn't know that you made these! I have been wanting to learn to make myself some for the past 6 months I'm sure and never think about it until I NEED them! I'd so love to get away from the commercial pads as I hear they are not good for our feminine bodies, despite what the commercials would have you believe. You need to make em and sell em! I'll be a customer! :)