Bookcase wall looking across the room.

Now that I have a dedicated place for my embroidery machine, and my new one is significantly larger than my old one I reconfigured the storage space in my sewing desk. On the sides I have my machine manuals and my quilting rulers, on top I have cut stabilizers, my embroidery hoops, CD's and cards, and then threads in the respective three drawers. In the bottom I have 2 totes, the top one for sewing WIPS that take longer than one day to complete, the bottom one has patterns.
To me the coolest thing about this space is that these storage containers cost me less than 50 cents! These were some of my garage sale finds. The top one was covered in icky lavender latex paint but some hot water fixed that and brought it back to the white and clear. The bottom two had writing on the lid in permanent marker but once again some chemical remover and hot water and they look virtually new! I say why pay high costs for storage when I can use that money for more yarn and fabric???
I see the clothsetter, i got mine set up just need to use it now.:)
Cool, you're going to love it. It makes placement so easy and fast! NO MORE PLASTIC TEMPLATES :D
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