Saturday, September 09, 2006

Happy 2nd Birthday Mardie!

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Ever since we took the boys to see the movie Cars right after Charmie's birthday in May Mardie has been infactuated with the character Lightening McQueen. He started calling him "yow' ween" but it has transposed into "yellow red gree blue". I'm not sure where that's coming from other than the fact that he's learning colors and Lightening has a million stickers on his sides from his sponsors, also most little kids at this age have nonesense things that they say for real things they haven't learned how to corectly say. Needless to say he loves Lightening so Rocky and I decided to get him his own for his birthday. He was so excited and happy. He rode for hours. I made him a cushion to help him sit closer to the foot pedal. You can see another picture on my craft blog. I think we have another Ray driver. What am I going to do???

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

LOL! i wouldn't be suprised at all even either boy grew up to be a race car driver, or stunt driver or any other type of driver :)